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Teen Activism
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Teen Activism - group photos
Starhawk and Dress join Teen Earth Magic for activist prep
Twenty teens, youth mentors, and teachers gathered in late February 2011 with longtime activists Starhawk and Dress for a weekend direct action intensive in Sonoma County, California.
The weekend included discussions, role plays, singing, group-building, and the liberation of the well-guarded fortress from the powers of All Bad Things.
We are the rising sun - we are the change.
Post-jail reunion photo.
Power to the People!
Campers react to news that the gluten-free vegan banana waffles have burned.
Teen Earth Magic
Click here for more information on Teen Earth Magic, held the second week of June in Nevada City, CA..
Luke Hauser (aka George Franklin) is a freelance parajournalist in the service of the Goddess and planetary revolution. His photo-filled book Direct Action is an historical novel about Bay Area protests.
Photos ©2009 by RQ. Please do not copy, reproduce, fold, spindle, mutilate, or otherwise use them without written permission. Thanks!