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Dandelion Features at RQ.org
Becket, Massachusetts - May 17 -21, 2006
Dandlion 2006 Photos
View from the dining hall at the Becket, Massachusetts YMCA camp, site of the 2006 Dandelion Gathering.
Many of the best conversations took place during mealtime.
Members of the Pagan Cluster, which organizes for events such as anti-globalization protests and for New Orleans relief efforts, met at the 2006 Dandelion Gathering. Watch this site for reports on upcoming Pagan Cluster plans.
All ages were welcome at Dandelion, and 15-20 young people joined the 150 or so adults at the gathering.
One part of the gathering was the founding meeting for BIRCH (Broader International Reclaiming Council of Hubs), which will weave together the dozens of local groups, communities, and solitary Witches who are part of the Reclaiming tradition. Here, one of numerous small groups discusses the new international structure before the decision was finalized.
Following the consensus on the founding of BIRCH, the group raised energy with a spiral dance and a cone of power, charging the vision of BIRCH with collective intent.
Amid the meetings, workshops, and other events, folks found time to build one-on-one relationships - a key part of the 'business' of the gathering.
Dandelion Gathering 2008 Planned
Dandelion Gatherings are planned for every other year. Anyone who identifies as part of the Reclaiming tradition, or as a friend or ally (including families and children) is welcome to attend.
Watch RQ.org for details on the 2008 gathering, or visit www.dandeliongathering.org
More stories will be posted at RQ.org soon!
You can be part of these discussions by joining Reclaiming's RIDL listserve. For more information, visit the Reclaiming website, www.reclaiming.org
For the "back story" on Reclaiming's history and development, visit our Spiral Dance feature.
Photos ©2005 by Luke Hauser/RQ (aka George Franklin). Please do not copy, reproduce, fold, spindle, mutilate, or otherwise use them without checking with RQ. Thanks!
Luke Hauser (aka George Franklin) is a freelance parajournalist in the service of the Goddess and planetary revolution. His photo-filled book Direct Action is an historical novel about Bay Area protests.