RQ Archives - Frequently-Asked Questions
Reclaiming Quarterly is celebrating 100 editions of our publication by re-issuing our complete archives, going back to the first Reclaiming Newsletter in 1981.
How will the archives be released?
RQ will release the back issues 10 at a time, in PDF format, along with correlated bonus features - flyers, photos, essays, and more. While selected highlights will be available online, the only way to get the entire 10-issue volume - plus all of the special features - will be via disk.
When will 10-issue disks be published?
We plan to release a couple of disks per year, beginning in mid-2013.
Why not put the archives on the web?
We will - in small segments. The sheer bulk of 100 back issues (not to mention all of the bonus features we will include) makes it impossible to put more than a small sampling online at any one time.
How will I know which back-issues I want?
Look deep into your heart and realize that you actually want all of them! However, if this proves impractical, you will be able to consult the indexes to each volume. Still, your best bet is to get the entire series.
What's with the Bonus Features?
Every volume will include introductory essays reflecting on the growth and changes in Reclaiming, bonus material such as flyers, photographs, Spiral Dance scripts and music, Witchcamp brochures, chant-lyrics, spells, curses, party-jokes - plus a complete index to the issues.
What's the cost of the RQ Archives?
Your best deal is to subscribe to the 10-disk series. The cost is just $175 for the ten-volume set (all back issues plus all special features).
Can I pay in installments?
Yes. We ask $25 for each 10-issue disk as it appears.
What if I just want to donate to this amazing project?
It's never too late to donate to RQ! Visit the Order page and click the donate button.
Can I buy single issues?
Not at first. It's the Archives Project, not the Single Back Issue Project.
Where does the money go?
Your order pays for scanning equipment and costs, disk-replication, and distribution. Any surplus will help publish future issues of RQ - which in turn will become more archives!
Can I subscribe to the Archives and/or the magazine online?
Yes, you can subscribe and get more info at www.ReclaimingQuarterly.org/archives/archives-order.html
Can I tell other people about this amazing offer?
Please do! We appreciate folks telling libraries and schools about our Archives.
What if I have old Reclaiming stuff to donate to the archives?
Contact us. We especially want photos, flyers, and other documentary evidence of Reclaiming.
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Tax-Deductible Donations
Reclaiming is a 501c3 nonprofit, and any donation above the cost of the product is tax-deductible.
Advance subscribers can take a tax-deduction for half of their advance order, and 100% of any further donation. Contact RQ for more information. We are glad to provide a confirming letter for any donation.
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