Complete back issues - just $40!
Over 100 back issues of Reclaiming Newsletter and Reclaiming Quarterly (as PDFs) - every issue published from 1981 to 2008!
This is not an anthology or selections - it is a complete collection of back issues scanned as PDFs, readable on any computer. All proceeds go directly to producing more Reclaiming archives!
66 Newsletters - just $25
You get all 66 issues, featuring hundreds of articles and essays by the likes of Starhawk, Anne Hill, Sophia Sparks, Pandora, Rose May Dance, Cerridwen Fallingstar, Seed, Hilary Valentine, Feather Singing, Deborah Oak, Roy King, and so many more we can't list them all!
These are the founders and first teachers of Reclaiming. Their writings helped shape our tradition. Now you can see and read them all, in the original newsletters.
36 Quarterlies - $25
All 36 issues of our full-sized magazine, published 1997-2008. Issues average 60 pages. Many issues feature a theme section on topics such as art and activism, labyrinths, fire magic, and more.
Get the entire set of either Newsletters or Quarterlies for $25 - or all 102 issues for just $40!
Download sample issues below - or better yet order the complete set for less than 50 cents per issue! Click link to order - see below for samples and delivery details.
Delivery - we will email you a download link within 72 hours. Meanwhile, you can download a few back issues for free at? to get started!
Questions -
Reclaiming History - RQ Issue 88
RQ Issue 88 - with a theme section on the history of Reclaiming!
Questions about the RQ Archives
If you advance-ordered the archives and have not received your copy, please contact RQ pronto!
Want to loan or donate old Reclaiming-related materials to the RQ archives? Please contact RQ!
Sample Back Issues
Our Final Issues
Reclaiming Quarterly ceased magazine publication after issue #102. A couple of sections of #103 were completed and can be downloaded below.
Our website is still regularly updated, especially with activist and magical features. Visit out site index for latest posts.
Witchcamp Brochures, Flyers, Etc
Photos from the RQ Archives
Odds and Ends
Questions/Comments/Fan-Mail - Email us!
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