Tarot and Magical Practice
An RQ theme section
The sound of cards being shuffled and cut.
Cards chosen with the receptive hand. Powerful images laid out on sacred cloth.
And then the story, always a story.
The Tarot surrounds us. We use it to plan rituals, plan our lives, entertain each other, and even to inform our protests. Lots of people have decks, and many of us are readers, either casually or professionally.
In this issue, we look at the Tarot and tap our collective wisdom. How do we use the cards, and why? Which decks do people like? What do they mean, and how do we use them? And, of course, what can they tell us about the year ahead?
The section includes the inside front cover plus the next seven pages. We feature a half-dozen articles, plus a forum of Tarot teachers. A complete list of articles appears on page one.
Add your voice - we'll post more articles, interpretations, and reviews of decks online at ReclaimingQuarterly.org. Contact us at quarterly@reclaiming.org
RQ Tarot Features
Coordinated by Andy Paik & George Franklin
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