Way to the Well: A Trance Journey for Empowerment with Starhawk
Way to the Well is a drum-trance ritual led by priestess and teacher Starhawk. The trance explores your personal place of power and takes you on a journey to a series of life-mirroring wells. This 50-minute recording is a complete ritual in the Reclaiming tradition.
Starhawk: "This recording was my first attempt to produce a drum story, one of my favorite ritual forms. It developed out of standard guided meditations, which over the years began to seem too passive. So in my circles and workshops we began adding elements - first sounding and chanting, then the drum, later movement and dance. Now I think of these drum stories as free-form improvisational poems, a type of theater in which the listener becomes the protagonist and faces an opportunity for transformation. This story focuses on power; the three wells let us encounter power-from-within, power-over, and collective power to heal and nurture."
The music is simple hand-drumming accompanied by a chorus featuring Anne Hill and Suzanne Sterling. The recording was engineered by Joe Hoffman and produced by Jodi Selene. The digital reissue was coordinated by Reclaiming Quarterly with permission of the artists and producer.
Listen free at youtube, spotify, etc. Download for $3 at CDBaby (prices vary at other sites).
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